What is Compost?

Compost is the stabilized nutrient rich, well-structured final product derived from a systemized process of decaying organic matter, such as yard waste, wood chips, food scraps, cardboard, manure, and other organic constituents. 

Are you concerned about what is actually in our compost? Good! Then you are our perfect customer. As a compost facility concerned about the quality of our product we voluntarily subject ourselves to the United States Composting Council, Standard of Testing Assurance program. This program helps safeguard the consumer in choosing “compost” products that have not fully stabilized and would cause plant mortality, or products with elevated salt content, and many other constituents. Please click here to learn more about what our product is tested for.

When a bag is marked “composted manure”, one may think to ask. “Where did this manure come from? Do any persistent herbicides remain in the product? Did they regulate the moisture content and design the piles to consistently reach temperatures that will kill any foreign weed seed? Is the compost ready to use or will it cause ‘leaf burn’ to my plants?

Many situations these questions were not taken into consideration in the process of composting the product marketed as “compost”.

Texas Organic strives to bring a consistent product that will provide enhanced plant growth. Through our windrow composting process which on utilizes on-site water tanks to regulate moisture content and quality assurance testing we remain confident that we will be providing a product that will improve the long term soil health. We currently perform ‘bioassay’ testing, which is trial testing with our products on different plant seeds..​